3 Ways to Make The Most of Your Personal Appearance

Wellness (10)

Wellness (10)

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are certain things you can do to add to your external perception of beauty.  Here are three of the most fundamental aspects of your personal appearance in terms of your most prominent asset – your face.


One of the most important aspects of beauty is to have young, radiant, glowing skin.  Unfortunately, it is a fact that people age and there is no getting away from the fact your skin will age as you get older.  There are a number of things you can do to help reduce the negative effects of aging. Regarding your skin things such as keeping hydrated and wearing sunscreen.  There are also plenty of foods that feed your skin; many of which are tasty and inexpensive.

It’s also a good idea to consider the naturopathic view that your skin is an external reflection of your internal biology; a good example is found in the skin condition ‘psoriasis’, which is often an immune system response to an emotional trigger or event.  


Often considered to be ‘windows to the soul’ – eyes are the place people go to “connect” with you on an emotional level.  Many people believe a person’s eyes tell them all they need to know about that person. They are often the most subconsciously judged aesthetic feature of a person.

There are many natural ways to keep your eyes looking refreshed, such as placing chilled cucumber or cold tea bags over your eyes in order to reduce puffiness and redness.  A less well known alternative is to use potato slices. If you don’t happen to have any cucumber or green tea bags lying around. Although people argue that potatoes don’t contain the rich antioxidant properties of the aforementioned.


Dental hygiene is an absolute priority in terms of making the most out of your appearance.  This is such a noticeable and fundamental aspect of one’s face that it is essential you keep your teeth in good health.

There are cosmetic clinics such as fresnosleepdentistry.com that can help reconstruct your perfect smile, if you’re teeth aren’t the way you want them to be – yet one of the most common issues people face is that their teeth are no longer sparking white

Several factors cause teeth to lose their whiteness. Foods such as red wine can stain the enamel and plaque naturally builds up on your teeth. This is what causes them to look yellow.  

The most important advice is to regularly visit a dental hygienist to remove the plaque that builds up on and around your teeth.  There are a number of preventative natural remedies you can use to whiten your teeth. Things like oil pulling, apple cider vinegar, and baking soda.

Oil pulling with coconut oil is a fashionable new trend, yet oil pulling itself, is a traditional Indian remedy that’s been around for hundreds of years… and another traditional remedy, apple cider vinegar, is a wonderful natural disinfectant that effectively kills bacterial.  



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