5 Foolproof Ways To Increase Your Confidence

Wellness (13)

Wellness (13)

If you’re finding yourself low on confidence, you might be thinking of ways you can boost it and begin to feel better about yourself and your situation. Anybody can learn how to increase their confidence, it just takes commitment and patience. You need to be in it for the long haul!

If this sounds good to you, read on for 5 foolproof ways you can increase your confidence…

  1. Find Things You Love About Yourself

Start right now by finding things you love about yourself. If there’s something you’re not crazy about, don’t think about it, and don’t dwell on it. Really sit and think about the things you like and let those thoughts lift you up. It can be absolutely anything you like. You could even take it as far as making a pretty list and putting it somewhere you can look at it every day.

  1. Smile And Stand Up Straight

You can actually trick your brain into believing that you’re more confident by smiling and standing up straight. The last thing you feel like doing may be smiling, but if you try it, you should find that your mood lifts pretty quickly and you begin to feel good. Aim to do this as regularly as you can.

  1. Stop Comparing Yourself

Somebody else’s beauty does not detract from your own, so why compare yourself? Appreciate your own beauty just as you appreciate others. Stop wishing you were somebody else, or that you had what somebody else had. Chances are, there are many people out there who look at you just the same way!

  1. Fake It Until You Make It

If you have genuine confidence issues and they are impeding your life, of course you should speak to a professional about your feelings and see if you can sort them out. However, if you know it’s not quite that bad, try faking it until you make it. Faking confidence might sound silly, but sooner or later, you’re going to really feel the things that you’re pretending to feel. Think of your favorite pop or movie star and see if you can act a bit more like them when you’re not feeling so confident. Even Beyonce does this with her alter ego Sasha Fierce!

Many people out there increase their confidence by having procedures, such as botox and a breast augmentation, however, you should only do these things if you know you’re doing them for the right reasons. If you have a very troubled relationship with yourself, it’s important to bear in mind that these things are unlikely to change how you feel. They come from a place of ‘I am not enough’, especially when you feel compelled to keep on having more done. Tell yourself you are enough and believe it!  

  1. Start Working Out And Eating Right

Take care of your body and your body will take care of you. Start working out and eating right and you will improve both mentally and physically!


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