{Dear Diary} Staying True

{Dear Diary} Staying True


Hi Hi!!!

SO. Bear with me….This is a bit of a different post!

Maybe you will like it, maybe you won’t but I really want to connect with you all on a more personal level.

As a blogger I know how many posts out there that just talk about the #ootd, latest makeup haul, or how to get killer abs with this new workout routine, and trust me I am guilty of dishing these all out too. But from time to time I want to let my naked heart out too in the hopes I can reach someone who maybe needs to hear it.

This is the first of my {Dear Diary} posts, a place were I show a little more then 40% of my personal life and spread some truth at the same time!


Dear Diary,

Life was always a roller coaster for me when I was younger, I always needed to “go the distance” to really learn my lessons in life. My mom always used to say to me, “it’s always the extreme with you, Lydia it’s either all the way one way, or all the way the other…never a happy medium”. I guess I have never been a happy medium type of girl.

I promise I don’t have any mood disorders or anything like that; I am truly just a passionate person. My spirit is very free and I just really like to soar, there is no helping it! My dad has always called me a free spirit, I guess he knew, because even though I made my life’s journey a little bit more difficult then it had to be, I wouldn’t change it if I could. As I have matured over the years I have realized that having such passion for life has brought me through so many lessons I may not have had otherwise, it has sculpted me into a woman I never thought I would be, and it has brought people in my life I could never now live without.

A free spirit by definition is an independent or uninhibited person. To me that means that even though someone might tell you what or how to do something, you will only do what you think you should. It means that even though you know many things you will not necessarily be a follower, you will be go your own path and not fear it.

I may have made my share of mistakes in life, but I truly believe that being full of passion makes a person genuine, full of life, and truly happy. I have known people in the past who were very unhappy, that struggled to find joy every single day and life had no light for them. It breaks my heart in pieces to watch these people suffer day in and day out. I have been there, and I have felt that darkness too but I learned to turn away from it. If you let it engulf you it will, but if you push it away I promise, it will go away!

Make mistakes, go the distance, make a mess, but only because your passionate about something. If you feel strongly that you want to leave your job, pack up your car, and move to Canada then I say do it! Maybe it will be terrible and you will come running back in three months, or maybe it will be the best thing you ever did in your life. You will never know if you don’t try! But even if it’s horrible, there will be people you meet, and things you do, and experiences you have that will make you a more sculpted you. And if it is wonderful then you may have taken a huge risk, but gained so much more then what you could have lost.

I’ll end with this, no matter what, staying true to yourself is the only way to have complete joy in life. I know, I know…preach, preach, preach; it sounds so cliché! It wouldn’t be cliché if it wasn’t an over used phrase though, and it is an over used phrase because it is true. It has been said by many who have come to learn it for themselves and want to pass on their knowledge to their loved ones. It is not something you can know by being told, it is only something you can know by experiencing for yourself.


OK. I hope you enjoyed this, and if not I’ll be back with fashion and fitness ASAP I promise!



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