Family Holiday Bucket List

Family Holiday Bucket List

Family Holiday Bucket ListFamily Holiday Bucket List

Happy Sunday!

Growing up, I think it is safe to say that most everyone has some holiday traditions, and if they don’t usually you make some as the years go on. My family always had traditions that we did each year when I was little, and now that I am a mom I am excited to start new traditions with my kids too!

The holiday’s is full of all kinds of fun opportunities to make memories, and I love reading and learning about what other families do each year.  So, today I thought I would share our family holiday bucket list of things I either already do every year and/or want to start doing now that I have my own children. 

Family Holiday Bucket ListFamily Holiday Bucket ListFamily Holiday Bucket ListFamily Holiday Bucket List

Things We Already Do:

Decorate the Tree

We always got a real tree when I was a kid and up until last year my husband and I always got a real tree too. Since being pregnant, though, last year we decided to invest in a couple faux trees to make our lives a little bit easier until our kids are a bit older. I miss the real trees, but decorating the tree is something I will always do whether it is real or not! The faux trees we got are actually really pretty and we are happy with them for now!

Decorate the Front Door and Porch

This year I included Aria in the decorating process, and even though she is definitely less help then anything else, it is fun to watch her face when I pull out the sparkly decor!

Bake Cookies

Every year I always have to bake some cookies, I mean come on… Christmas cookies are pretty much the main part of the holiday season right?! TeeHee! I can’t wait until my girls are old enough to help me bake cookies, but until then I will keep making them for myself!

Drink Hot Cocoa or Egg Nog

Can’t have a Christmas without hot cocoa or egg nog! I know not everyone loves egg nog, but I always have a glass each year. One year I would love try to make it!

Go to a Holiday Parade

We started this last year and loved it so much my hubby and I decided we would absolutely make it a tradition. There is a really cool holiday parade that goes on here in Vegas at one of the local malls and they spray out fake snow onto the street! It is so magical!

Pick out a Special Ornament

My husband and I have been picking out one special Christmas ornament each year since we have been together. It is fun to pick it out together and add to the collection!

Go see the Holiday Decorations at the Mall or Hotel Lobbies

So, I absolutely LOVE doing this each year! I always go to the mall, but being in Vegas the Hotel lobbies here really go all out with decorations too. I am excited to bring Aria down to see some of the big displays this year!

Listen to Holiday Music

I usually try to wait to turn on the Holiday music until late November or early December because as much as I like it, I can really only stand it for a certain amount of time until I am over it! TeeHee!

Watch Christmas Movies

I have a huge list of Christmas movies that we watch each year and every year we always end up adding a new one to the list. We pretty much have Christmas movies on all throughout November and December and I love it!

Christmas Midnight Mass

We try to do this each year. We are Catholic and getting to mass for Christmas is something my family always did and something we have liked to continue as a tradition for our own family. The midnight mass is so beautiful and it is a great reminder of the real reason for the season!

Have a Gingerbread House Building Contest

My husband and I started this two years ago and always have so much fun with it! We usually put a picture of each of our finished houses up online and have people vote on whose is better!

Family Holiday Bucket ListFamily Holiday Bucket ListFamily Holiday Bucket ListFamily Holiday Bucket List

Want to start doing:

Write a Letter to Santa

Obviously this is something you would want to do with children. I am definitely one of those moms that will have my kids believing in Santa for as long a possible! So I want to make writing a letter to Santa a tradition and even putting out cookies and milk for him on Christmas eve! Magical!

Visit Santa

I have done this once as an adult and it was actually pretty hilarious, but of course I want to take my kids to visit Santa each year.

Visit a Tree Farm

OK. So wether we decide to have a real tree or not, I still want to have the tradition of visiting a tree farm each year. I think it would be fun for the kids and there are tree farms out here that offer other activities too. We can see the petting zoo, drink hot cocoa, and maybe pick out a wreath!

Eat Cookies Under the Christmas Tree

Have you ever laid under the Christmas tree and looked up through the branches at all the sparkle and lights? I am starting a tradition to do this with my kids each year while we nibble on cookies and share what we want for Christmas.

Make Paper Snow Flakes

I did this as a kid and absolutely want to do it with my kids once they are old enough!

Play in the Snow

We don’t have snow where we live, but if we drive 30 minutes north into the mountains there is snow every year. I grew up in Minnesota and loved sledding and building snowmen. I want my kids to have those same experiences, so I want to make heading up to play in the snow a tradition each year too.

Go Ice Skating

I haven’t been ice skating in so long! But there are plenty of rinks around during the holiday season and I can’t wait to start that tradition with my family.

Go See the Nutcracker

This is definitely something that will need to be a tradition that starts when my kids are a bit older. I went to see the nutcracker on ice when I was I think about 9 years old with my dad and my big sister and it is something I will never forget. I have always wanted to go again since then.

“Be” Santa

Now that I have kids I finally have the full on right to tuck them into bed at night and get to work setting up the living room with gifts from “Santa” and stuffing the stockings! My husband and I will do this together of course and once my kids are old enough I even want to make fake Santa footprints and reindeer tracks! Teehee!

Move the Wisemen Around the House and Set up a Nativity Scene

When we were little my mom had a Nativity Scene that we got to set up each year, and we would act out the birth of Jesus. We loved moving the wise men from window sill to window sill each day getting closer and closer to the Nativity leading up to Christmas. It was a good way for us to tell the story of Jesus during the Christmas season and I want to teach my kids that same thing.



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