Raising A Toddler in Las Vegas

toddler girl peaking her head through a tree trunk hole

Moving to Las Vegas can be quite the change no matter where you are coming from. Raising a family in Vegas can be another whole ball game if you don’t know your way around the city, and as 7 year resident myself and mother if 2 under two, I have come to not only learn what is available for toddlers to do, but also how to give your children all the benefits Las Vegas has to offer as you raise a family here. I have been asked by other mothers moving to Las Vegas and have no idea where to start when it comes to finding fun and safe activities or their young kids, for my suggestions. So today I am sharing a huge list of fun activities that you can do with a toddler in Las Vegas.


Activities that you can do with young children are similar to anywhere you may have lived in the past, but in Vegas there are a lot of options in small radius. Las Vegas itself is a very small city, so you have the ability to check out a new park everyday if you really wanted to! Below I am listing some of our favorite everyday activity including parks both outdoor and indoor, shipping malls, restaurants, and hiking!

Parks: Some of My Favorites… Lone Mountain Park, Centennial Hills Park, Exploration Peak Park

Indoor Playgrounds

Downtown Summerlin

Town Square

Mt. Charleston


Some activities that many who live in Vegas may not even be aware of are listed here. I love that these are things that are specifically targeted towards toddlers and young children. Toddler ages are such explorative and fast learning stages and so having access to activities like these is wonderful.

Artsy Nannies

Toddler Time at Spring Preserve

Toddler Time at Skyzone

Story Hour – Library

Gilcrease Orchard

Field Trips

Some activities that may take up a larger part of the day, but are also must-dos are listed here. I have not done everything on this list yet and I am looking forward to checking them all out soon! My girls love animals so many of these are great for them!

SeaQuest Interactive Aquarium

Silverton Aquarium

Shark Reef

Lion Habitat

Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat

Flamingo Wildlife Habitat

Nevada Southern Railway

Discovery Children’s Museum

Ethel M’s Chocolate Factory


As a resident of Las Vegas you can commit to more regular activities such as the classes listed below. These are all great things that you as a parent can really get into with your child and enjoy together. Dance Dynamics has dane classes starting for babies 0-3!

Stroller Strides

Dance Dynamics

Swim Lessons at Safe Swim

Rec Center’s

Baby Gym

Broadway Kids Academy


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