3 EXTRA Things I Do For Myself & Why Every Mom Needs Her Own

mom holding daughter in the air
Mom hold daughter in the air

It is not very often that I feel EXTRA these days. It has become a rarity to even just be able to get in a regular shower! But I find that I am in a happier state when I do take a moment to do something extra for myself because at the end of the day I am a mother, I am a wife, I am a blogger, but I am also myself and I need to take care of myself too! I started by picking three things that would be considered extra in my book, to do for myself each month.

Motherhood is hard, constant work, and it is really easy to put yourself last and become overwhelmed or stressed. It is not healthy for yourself or your family if you do not take care of yourself. If you do not take care of yourself first your ability to do your best job taking care of your family is quickly impacted. It is not selfish to take time to yourself, and although it is hard to do (trust me, it is still hard for me to do!), it is just as important as feeding your children.

Today I am sharing 3 things I do that is extra, and by that I mean above and beyond the normal self care like showering and sleeping. These are 3 extra things I do because I love them, because they make me feel good, and because I deserve them!


Exercise may not seem like a thing that is above and beyond normal self care to some people, but to me yoga and running are outlets that are so much more then just exercise. When I practice yoga or go for a long run I am able to completely detach from all responsibility for those moments and simply focus on my breathing. I recently started using Bulldog Yoga because you can do the yoga classes anywhere right from your phone or computer. Which is so ideal for a busy mom like me! Not having to go to a gym saves me time I am able to spend on more exercise.


I do not know why, but when I am tan I just plain feel better! I think that pale skin makes me look dull, and when I look in the mirror I want to see health. For me having a sun-kissed glow reminds me of summer and summer just makes me happy. Since laying out in the sun is not really the healthiest option, a simple self tan does the trick and takes much less time. In the widget below you will find some of my favorite self tanning products. A gradual self tanning lotion is my favorite because you just put it on like regular lotion each day and over time you get a darker tan!


Some of you may remember that I used to work in a skin spa, and because of that I know and understand the importance of good skin care. I am also much more aware of when my skin is in a healthy state or not. Once a month I like to take the time to give myself a full at home facial, and you all….it feels amazing! It really does make all the world of a difference and it feels good to know I am helping my skin retain it’s youth! Here are some of my favorite skin care products, if you would like me to share my routine feel free to let me know in the comments below!


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