3 Insane Expectations for New Mothers



Motherhood is a wonderful experience that changes your life forever. Indeed, when you have a baby, you step into a new lifestyle with new responsibilities and needs. But, it’s fair to say that motherhood can be scary if you’re unprepared. It is, after all, a dramatic change that you need to plan in advance, starting by preparing the nursery room, to saving money for your child’s future. Needless to say, everyone – friends, relatives and even society – expects mothers to enjoy their new role in life and to help build the future generation. However, social expectations don’t just stop there. Not all expectations on new mothers are fair. And, unfortunately, you’ll be surprised to know that the craziest expectations about motherhood are your own! If you want to make the most of this life-changing experience, read further to adjust your thinking!

#1 Your work starts before the baby is born

If you’re still a mother-to-be or even if you’re planning on having children at some point in future, it’s fair to assume that you’ve heard of labor. Let’s get things right from the start, pushing a baby is hard work. Ultimately, it’s called labor for a reason. You need to be strong to go through the hardest part of the pregnancy: Giving birth. It’s not so much about mental strength – although, you’ll need plenty – but it’s about physical fitness. How can a pregnant woman be fit, you ask? It’s simple. You need to keep active throughout the pregnancy. Of course, there are activities that are unreasonable during the second or third trimester, but eventually sitting on a chair all day is going to make the labor part a lot more difficult than it is. In short, you need to prepare your body to give birth as early as possible.

#2 Nobody expects your body to go back to normal instantly

If you’ve played with dolls such as the pregnant Barbie, as a child you probably have wrong expectations about your post-baby body. First of all, your baby bump won’t disappear when the baby is born. The skin needs time to go back to its firm condition. Additionally, women put on weight during the pregnancy, and you’ll still need to lose a lot of weight even after the birth to get your normal body back. While you can use a professional intervention from liposuctionsydney.com to ease the work, you still need to build up your muscles and posture through exercises. Be patient, though. Your body needs time to heal.

#3 You don’t know? Nobody does

It doesn’t matter how many books you’ve read about motherhood and parenting. There will be times when you simply don’t know what to do or what to say. Contrary to the common belief, nobody is born a parent. It’s a skill you develop with time, through empathy, understanding and love. In short, don’t panic if you’re not sure what to do. Nobody is, and those who say they are are faking it!

The bottom line is that motherhood is challenging enough. You don’t need to add unrealistic expectations to your parenting life as well. Be good to yourself, help your mind and your body get used to this wonderful experience and everything will be fine.


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