Get That Summer Body by Having A Healthy Mindset

Summer Body Mindset

Summer Body Mindset

Everybody always talks about getting a summer body, but you’ll usually notice they talk about it year after year, never really having achieved anything, or achieved something and then undone all of their hard work when summer came to an end. This is usually because most people do things that simply aren’t sustainable in the long run, like live off salads and exercise twice a day. The fact is, you’ll only get a ‘summer body’ if you’re in the right mindset. Plus, if you’re in the right mindset, it won’t just be a summer body – it’ll be a body that you love for life. Let’s talk about getting into the right mindset so you can finally look the way you’ve always wanted to:

This Isn’t A Quick Fix

First of all, you need to realize that ‘summer body’ sounds too much like a quick fix, but if you really want to feel good for the foreseeable future, it should be a lifestyle change. You’ve probably heard it so many times before, but making real lifestyle changes that you can stick to is the only way to get into shape. Don’t put a date on it, if at all possible. If you put too much pressure on yourself then you might feel disheartened if your progress slows down and end up sabotaging yourself. When you look at this as more of a change that you’re making for life, you’ll feel less of a need to make drastic measures. The more relaxed you feel about the whole thing, the better!!

Stop Comparing Your Journey To Somebody Else

It’s all too easy to compare your journey to somebody else’s when we have social sites like Instagram. You see fitness models whenever you scroll, and it’s easy to start thinking that you’re behind, or that they look better than you, and take yourself down a negative thought path which can then take you on a self sabotage spiral. It’s important that you realize your journey is yours and yours alone, and should not be compared to anybody else. Don’t compare your body to anybody else’s, either. It’s ok to have some inspiration, but you can only make your body the best version of itself. You won’t be able to change your bone structure or anything else that makes up you.

Figure Out What Feels Good To You

People will tell you all kinds of different things when it comes to getting a summer body. There’s so much information out there that it can get confusing, especially to those who are new to the world of health and fitness. To get into a routine that you’re really going to stick to, you need to do something that feels good to you. If you’re not enjoying it, you’re not going to stick to what you’re doing.

Some people choose to start themselves off by, but doing this alone and then going back to your old ways is a bad idea. You need to be prepared to make the lifestyle change regardless of anything else you decide to do. Remember, it shouldn’t just be about the way you look, but your attitude, and the way you feel inside. Your health, both mental and physical, is so important!

Learn To Love Yourself

Learning to love yourself is imperative in any health and fitness journey. If you don’t love yourself, your efforts won’t feel good. If you love yourself, you’ll be more likely to work out because you want to, and not because you feel like you have to or as some sort of punishment. The same goes with eating. You’ll be more likely to choose healthy, nutritious meals most of the time because you want to support your body in the best way you can. You won’t feel inclined to eat rubbish as much.

Stop Weighing Yourself

The scale can be particularly harmful to a person that wants to get in the right mindset and in great shape. Why? Because scales do not indicate how healthy you are – they don’t even indicate an accurate representation of your weight half the time. Your weight will change depending on which scale you stand on, what time of day it is, what point in your cycle you’re in, and more. It can fluctuate all week long, so you just can’t rely on it to give you an accurate representation of your progress.

What can you do instead of weighing yourself? Make a note of how you feel in the mirror. See how your clothes fit and how you’re shaping up. Pay attention to your happiness and stress levels – are they improving? If you want to know whether you’re getting smaller, the best thing you can do is take your measurements. Your weight can go up if you’ve been eating well and training hard, but your measurements can come down, and this can mess so many people up if they don’t know it! Just don’t get too obsessed with the numbers. As long as you’re being consistent, you’re moving in the right direction.

Rethink ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’ foods

Labelling foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ is a way most people end up messing up. Food is just food, and the more you feel things are off limits the more tempted you’ll be to eat them. People usually need to feel free around food in order not to want to eat it. No food is off limits. Everything in moderation. Work on making yourself feel free!


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