Baby Led Weaning, And Introducing New Foods Safely

Lil Mixins
Lil Mixins

Ella has always been a great eater. With Aria I was terrified of her getting sick, having an allergic reaction, or choking on foods. I spoon fed her forever and consistently bought out the shelves of baby food at Target. I now realize how unnecessary that was, and with Ella I have been mostly following the baby led weaning practice.

Lil Mixins

Baby led weaning or BLW is simply giving your baby the decision for when they want to start eating solids on their own. Typically around the 4-6 months age is when it can start. Ella does really well different textures and flavors and as she grows she will have a more advanced palette and be much less of a fussy eater. Stress over a how new food will react with your baby is a common concern. Peanut butter has always been a one of those foods for parents because it is unknown if their child has a peanut allergy. I remember with Aria I was warned that she could have issues with berries such as black berries or raspberries. I would not know, though, unless I tried it. She actually loves berries and for a while they were the only fruit she would eat!

Lil Mixins

Interestingly, the AAP regulations actually encourages early introduction of peanut butter in babies to help them ensure they grow without a peanut allergy. Especially high risk babies! It contains zero sugar and no salt, additives, or GMOs. ‘The clinical report updates and replaces 2008 guidance on the roles of maternal and early infant diet in preventing atopic diseases – or allergic responses – such as dermatitis, asthma and food allergies.‘ (Source)

Lil Mixins

With that said, peanut products do need to be introduced in a safe way. Lil’ Mixins is a peanut powder designed specifically for babies because it does not clump or thicken when mixed with liquid so it is safe for a baby to eat. Two teaspoons can be added into whatever is being served up and does well in mashed banana or apple sauce! I like to mix it into oatmeal for Aria, and into Ella’s Afternoon banana and avocado bowls! One jar will last until your baby is old enough to safely eat peanut butter. I have one jar each for Aria and Ella. You can get a jar for $24.99 on either Amazon or Use promo code MOMSMEET20 to get 20% off your Lil Mixins
order clicking here or visiting

Lil Mixins

Aside from introducing peanut butter in powder form, I have also started giving Ella eggs, and fish. I know this is something that many mothers believe is dangerous, but my experience has proven to be beneficial and I am really happy I decided to go this route this time around. *All decisions on introduction to new foods should be discussed with your pediatric provider.*


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