Holy Grail Baby Registry Check List

baby registry check list

This post sponsored by Walmart, all thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

This photo was taken when I was pregnant with my first born, Aria. I had no idea what motherhood would be like, and as much as I thought I was prepared…I definitely wasn’t! I purchased so many things that I never used, and neglected to stock up on the things I ended up needing the most. That is why today I am sharing my Holy Grail Baby Registry Check List; all the things that you should be asking for and what you will be thankful you have when your little bundle arrives!

First of all, Walmart actually currently has the best registry option available in my opinion. As a mom of now two, Walmart is basically my one stop shop for everything because it is AFFORDABLE and has an easy online grocery pickup. This past April 2019 they introduced a new, personalized baby registry experience and it’s super easy and quick to fill out and manage. Also, Walmart offers a wide assortment of brands, including premium brands and the pricing is always the best. You can find easy resources and tools that help create a registry that fits your needs and it is ideal for anyone who doesn’t want to be bothered with overly complicated steps.

Holy Grail Baby Registry Check List

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A Lightweight Stroller – 

This stroller is a favorite of mine, but overall I *highly* recommend having a lightweight stroller right away. My initial thought with strollers in general was that it wouldn’t be something I need right away… I was very wrong! Not only did I need a stroller right away just for a morning walk around the block, but a light weight one was what I would have preferred from day one and still prefer now. At the end of the day, you are already doing a lot of heavy lifting, fitting through tight hallways and doors, and lugging the thing in and out of your car. Why not make it easier to maneuver and lift?

Teethers –

You would be surprised how quickly you will need these teethers and even more surprised how many of them you will need! Babies are notorious for throwing things on the ground and having a clean must-have-right-now toy to put in my mouth for your screaming baby is literally the most important thing you will need for a very long time. It sounds silly but it is true! These teethers are cute, safe, and amazing for sore baby gums!

White Noise Machine –

To this day not only do both my girls sleep with this white noise machine on, but so does my husband and I! It will help cancel out all those noise that happen throughout the day and help keep your little babe napping a little bit longer. It is also very soothing and comforting and this one in particular is the best one you can get hands down. We actually leave ours on 24/7 because…lazy…and it has been two years and it still runs perfectly!

Blooming Baby Bath Lotus –

All the way up until they are sitting in the bath, this thing is all you will need. Forget all those baby bath tubs, your can put this in your sink when they are tiny newborns, lay it in the bathtub when they are getting wiggly, and then use it as a head prop when they are big enough to roll over! I have used our with both our girls and swear by it!

Socks that STAY ON –

Yeah sure it is lots of fun to spend tons of money on super cute matching baby socks…but if they don’t stay on, what good are they? You would be surprised how incredible babies are at wiggling our of socks! I swear it is a real talent! These socks stay put and are great for keeping little feet warm when it is cold, and cool when it is hot!

Hooded Bath Towel –

Aside from being just plain adorable, these hooded bath towels are an absolute must have. Babies get cold fast because they are not able to sustain heat as well as we are. Keeping their head warm is very important, and these hooded towels help with that a ton!

Cloth Diapers –

OK. Whether or not you plan to use cloth diapers the traditional way, I highly suggest getting these anyway to use as spit up rags. This is a trick I learned from my mom and was so surprised I used to much. There are tons of really cute spit up rags out there, but these are designed to soak up a lot of liquid and work extremely well for just that. I found that I used less and therefore had less laundry to do with these and ended up just preferring them for clean up overall.

A Good Baby Monitor –

This may seem like a no brainer, but it really is important to take the time to find a baby monitor that is going to be no fail. This baby monitor has been amazing for us and it is the one I see most of my friends have as well.

Dr. Brown Bottles –

These bottles are specifically designed to prevent babies from taking in air and therefore avoiding as much spit up and stomach issues. My girls both had some issues with spitting up, especially, my first and these bottles made a world of difference!

A Top Notch Car Seat –

We love this car seat and recommend it to everyone who asks. My husband is big on research and this one had the best ratings for car crash safety…Need I say more?

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