Day In The Life: Toddler and Newborn

mom, toddler, and baby in matching mommy and me tees sitting on bed
Matching mommy and me tees are from EllieWestStudios and shoppable HERE!

Here today to talk about life with my little blessings… Since becoming a mom I quickly learned that life with a baby is a full time job. But I am telling you, life with two babies under the age of two, is absolutely exhausting! Since I brought Ella (1 month) home from the hospital, I often find myself watching DITL (Day In The Life) youtube videos of other moms with a toddler and a newborn, and love being a virtual fly on the wall. It is somewhat fascinating to me to see how other mothers schedule out their days.

After falling down a hole of youtube video after youtube video of other DITL’s one evening, I had a lightbulb moment and thought maybe some of you would be just as interested in what a day in our house looks like…

SO! A couple weeks ago I asked you all on Instagram if you would be interested in me doing a DITL of what it is really like being a SAHM of a toddler and a newborn. I was blown away by the response and so I went ahead and did a play-by-play on my Instagram stories sharing a full day. If you do not already follow me on Instagram and did not get to see it, you can check out the entire DITL for yourself saved in my highlights by following me HERE!

Since I did that, I have had a great response and I decided to put it into text format for you all. Below I am breaking down one full day of life with my two little girls, Aria (13 months) and Ella (1 Month), and what it looks like being a full-time SAHM. This includes any of our daily routines and meals, and activities we keep and follow. I will be posting an easy-to-pin-and-save image at the end for you to save for easy reference if you so wish!



3:30AM – Ella is up for her first meal of the day. I nurse her and snuggle for a bit and then cross my fingers she will fall back to sleep so I can get in a few more hours of shut eye before the day begins!

7:30AM – Lately both of the girls have been stirring around this time, but usually just Ella is up for the morning by now and I focus on getting her changed and downstairs. I will make my first cup of coffee, and nurse Ella until Aria gets up. After Ella is fed she will have her first awake time and I just enjoy this quiet moment sipping my coffee and interacting with her.

Matching mommy and me tees are from EllieWestStudios and shoppable HERE!

8:30AM – By now Ella is back to sleeping *hopefully* and Aria is stirring in her crib. I head upstairs to get her up for the day. Aria almost always wakes up in a good mood and it is one of my favorite times of day walking in to see her big smile and excited jumps, ready to hug me and kiss me! She is the sweetest thing!

I change Aria’s diaper after our good morning snuggles and then we pick out her outfit for the day together (she loves to do this), put her hair in pig tails, and brush her teeth. Then we head back downstairs.

9:00AM – Aria plays in her play area, gets a sippy of juice, and I will put on her morning cartoons while I prep her breakfast.

9:30AM – Time to feed Aria breakfast, and usually Ella is up from her nap now so I will put her in the baby carrier and entertain her that way until Aria is finished eating. Aria LOVES scramble eggs and raspberries so breakfast almost always contains one or both of those. Sometimes she gets yogurt with her berries and toast, other days I make pancakes!

**I love THIS baby carrier SO MUCH. It has been amazing to have since having Ella, takes literally 2 seconds to put on and is very comfortable. There are no long pieces you have to wrap or tie; it is just two loops that you simply slip into and it holds baby close and snug! Plus it is a soft but strong soft cotton material that is breathable and easy to wash! And it is under $50!**

10:00AM – After breakfast, we head into the play area (gated area in the middle of the living room full of toys!) and I play with Aria and feed Ella. Once Ella is finished I put her down for another nap and it becomes serious mommy and Aria play time for about an hour.

11:00AM – Schedules in this house change VERY OFTEN so two weeks ago this would have been the time I got Ella dressed for the day and get Aria her snack. Lately, however, Aria has been going down for her nap at this time and sleeping for 2-3 hours. Ella is usually still napping, so I will finally get a moment to myself and head upstairs to get ready for the day, and then head right back down to do some household chores or work.


1:00PM – Ella is starting to stir by now, so I will close down whatever I was working on and head into the living room to change her diaper and feed her before Aria wakes up.

2:00/3:00PM – Aria is up by 2pm most days and Ella is usually still awake as well. I change Aria’s diaper and then prep both the girls to head out for our outing of the day. I will get Aria into her shoes and jacket and strap her into her push-along car (she LOVES this thing and I have been using it over the stroller a TON). Then I grab a no-spill bowl of animal crackers, sippy of juice, and strap on Ella and we all head out for a walk around the neighborhood or a trip to the park. Recently Aria is obsessed with swings and it is my favorite thing watching her big smile when she goes back and forth, so stinkin’ cute!

3:30PM – By now Ella is ready to eat again and then 100% ready for a *hopefully* nice long nap. Lately Ella has been fighting sleep from about 1pm until 4:30ish! That can make for a bit of a hecktic afternoon especially once Aria gets fed up having to share mommy’s attention and Ella starts to get fussy because she is so tired! I do my best to entertain Aria by putting on Mickey Mouse and pulling out some fun toys that she hasn’t seen in a while. Once Ella falls asleep, I spend time reading with Aria and practicing colors animals sounds, and counting!


5:00PM – I will usually try to wrap up any chore I may have started earlier, and Aria is always ready to “help” with that. Especially laundry! Teehee! I have pretty much accepted the fact that I will not get nearly as much done in one day as I used to before kids. It’s ok, *deep breath*.

5:30PM – Dinner time for Aria and almost always for Ella too. Ella likes to wake up right about now and stay up until Aria is in bed. I will give Aria her dinner and feed Ella in-between. Aria’s dinner is made up of any leftovers we may have, or I will make her noodles and sauce, veggies (green beans, peas, or carrots), and pieces of cheese. She also loves quesadillas, fish sticks, and chicken breast.

6:00PM – At 6pm it is time for Aria’s bath and bedtime routines to start. I more times then not, bring both girls upstairs since Ella is usually awake, and give Aria her bath while Ella gets some floor time nearby or I hold her. (Not an easy task!) Once Aria is bathed and in pjs we head back down to say night night to Daddy while I prep her bottle. I hand off Ella to Daddy to hold while I tuck Aria in bed and say prayers.

7:00PM – By now Aria is *hopefully* asleep or well on her way to be, and I take Ella up for her bath time routine. Ella is already getting too big for her newborn bath, but I am still washing her up in there for the time being. Once she is officially too big for it we will wash her up in the tub on her blooming baby bath flower. These things are amazing!!

After she is washed up I lotion her whole body, get her in pjs, and head downstairs to feed her again and snuggle on the couch for a bit.

7:30/8:00PM – With luck by 8pm Ella is asleep and I can take a huge sigh of relief and enjoy the rest of the evening eating dinner and spending time with my hubby! We love to watch a tv episode or two before we head to bed. Most nights one of the girls will wake up one more time before midnight and we will have to resettle them, but basically the nights are pretty quiet.

Matching mommy and me tees are from EllieWestStudios and shoppable HERE!

That’s A Wrap!

OK! That is a typical DITL for us and I will say it again, it WILL change as well as it is never really the exact same. Even though it is exhausting I truly love watching my girls grow and change a little bit more everyday! If there is anything I am learning as a mom, it is that everything will not always be perfect and everything will not always go according to plan and that THAT IS OK! It is still a total disbelief to me that Aria is already a year old and in no time Ella will be too. Although it can seem like the days are long and the hours are draining, it really does go too fast and I remind myself to slow down and enjoy these moments before they are gone!

I would love to hear from you and what a typical day in your house looks like! Feel free to reach out and share or ask me any questions I may have stirred up!


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