JOHNSON’S® Baby Bath Time Routine

JOHNSON’S® Baby Bath Time Routine

“This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #JohnsonsLovesBaby #ChooseGentle #CollectiveBias”

Baby Bathtime Routine for Successful Sleeping

Hello Friends!
So a little while back I talked about Aria’s bedtime routine, and how having the exact same routine for bedtime has been such a great thing for her to learn to sleep through the night. A big part of that bedtime routine is bath time, so by popular demand I am breaking down her full bath time routine today. I love having our mommy and daughter time together every night, and bath time is always something we both look forward to!
Ever since Aria was born, she has always been a water baby. I remember giving her her first bath at home and giggling because she just laid there like she was in baby spa heaven! As she has grown the routine has changed slightly but the products I use have always remained the same and always will for good reason!

JOHNSON’S® Baby Bath Time Routine

At 6pm every night it is bath time in our house. I take her upstairs to her room, strip her down to her diaper and let her play in her room while I run the bath. When Aria was smaller I put her into her crib to play. Now that Aria is mobile and crawling around, I let her crawl around her room and play with her stuffed animals. When she hears the bath water running she squeals because she knows what is coming. So cute!

As I am running the bath I make sure I have everything I need to get her all clean, and that includes the JOHNSON’S® Baby Gold Shampoo 600ml and JOHNSON’S® Bedtime Bath 800ml. JOHNSON’S® is truly the best for babies because they are new and improved, inside and out, and 100% gentle, and free of parabens, and phthalates. I also pull out her bath toys and her bath towel at this time.

Once the water is the perfect temperature and filled to about 4 inches deep, I go get Aria from her room, take off her diaper and set her down into the bath.

She can now sit on her own and even likes to pull herself up to peak out of the bathtub, so the days of my sitting quietly by while she kicked and splashed are over. I now have to be ready to grab her at any moment in case she topples. She is an active little thing! But after about 10 minutes of this playtime, I begin washing her up.


(Hover over the photo to click through to CVS to shop these products!)

I always start with washing her hair.

I love the JOHNSON’S® Baby Gold Shampoo 600ml because at this point she is still sitting up and likes to play with her rubber duckies while I wash her hair. A great distraction to keep her happy! I gentle massage it in and rinse it away with a cup, careful to protect her eyes. Another big reason I like the JOHNSON’S® Baby Gold Shampoo 600ml though, is because it provides a mild, gentle clean that won’t irritate your baby’s eyes during bath time. So even if it did get into her eyes it is so gentle it wouldn’t hurt her! The JOHNSON’S No More Tears formula is as gentle to the eyes as pure water. Love that! And yes, it has happened!

JOHNSON’S® Baby Bath Time Routine

Following the JOHNSON’S® Baby Gold Shampoo 600ml, I slowly lay her on her back in the water to wash up her body. She loves this because she now gets to kick the water (literally everywhere) while I wash her from limb to limb telling her which body part I am washing as I do it. I always do this hoping to teach her along the way. I use the JOHNSON’S® Bedtime Bath 800ml for this and LOVE it! First and foremost is smells amazing and is SO soothing I swear it is what helps to get her sleepy for bedtime because it gently cleanses and helps relax your baby before bed. It is actually specially designed for babies who are ready to start sleeping longer! Yes please!

By the time I am through with all of this, Aria is ready to come out of the bath.

She often begins rubbing her eyes and even pouting at this time because she is getting tired. I wrap her up in her little towel and head back into her room to get her dried off and lotioned up. Using the JOHNSON’S® Skin Nourish Vanilla Oatmeal Lotion 800ml to massage and moisturize Aria’s skin at night is possibly the most important part of her bath time routine.

Baby Bathtime Routine for Successful Sleeping

With all the moving she does all day long, the crawling and pulling herself up, and all the active playing, it is important to massage her muscles to help them to heal and grow. This is truly a step I never skip, ever! I use the JOHNSON’S® Skin Nourish Vanilla Oatmeal Lotion 800ml for many reasons, but love that it has oatmeal and vanilla to give her skin serious moisture and keep her baby soft! The oatmeal is also wonderful for her little face and always makes any baby acne that she may get disappear by morning! I massage her down and rub in JOHNSON’S® Skin Nourish Vanilla Oatmeal Lotion 800ml into every inch of her body and then get on her nighttime diaper and PJs.

After she is in her PJs and says her goodnights to daddy she is off to bed and sleeps through the night like the little angel she is!

I will admit that the further along I get in this new pregnancy, the harder it has become to go through this bath time routine with Aria simply because I am getting to big to lift her up. But because it is such a special time for the two of us together it is very hard to give up! Plus using the JOHNSON’S® products on Aria has actually started to help me relax for bed too! How funny is that! Also I want to mention that I plan to use this exact bath time routine with my second daughter once she is born too. It has become just a natural part of our everyday life in our household.

Johnsons Bath time routine

I shop for JOHNSON’S® products at CVS because it is quick, convenient and easy to bring my daughter with me to be a part of the process! Aria loves to go with me to CVS and help momma pick out her bath time products! It is so cute how she knows they are for her! And the part that momma loves is that at CVS you can get all of JOHNSON’S® at a discount of buy 1, Get 1 50% on Johnson’s Baby + Spend $20, Get $5 ExtraBucks. Winning!

So there you have it, all my secrets for a fun and fuss free bath time routine. I can not express enough how much I treasure these moments with my daughter, and I can only hope that time will stand still so I can enjoy them even longer!



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