Smile More…It’s Good For You

Wellness (16)

Wellness (16)

“A smile is the best makeup a girl could wear”

― Marilyn Monroe

So, according to Marilyn (and who are we to argue), a smile is one of the most beautiful things in the world. But, how can you improve yours? Some people aren’t big smilers, and in fact it is a bit of a chore for them to flash the enamel. There are a few things you can do to train yourself to smile just that little bit more often. Smiling has a positive impact on your mental state too, so it’s not just about the superficial reasons.

Spending time with positive people is one of the best ways to up your smiling.

Positive people tend to smile more, meaning the people they hang around with people who smile more, and it is a bit of a ripple effect. Like the happy version of a yawn!

Unsurprisingly being mindful about what you are doing and how you are doing it leads you to smile more naturally. Many of us inhibit our own emotions either by not paying attention to what we are doing and not fully being in present in a moment.

Getting out of the house.

Spending time outdoors, because sunlight, trees, plants and even the clouds in the sky boost your mood. By boosting your mood, you are going to find yourself slipping into happy people territory – which comes with that smiling side effect.

Taking care of your teeth. It is all well and good working on all of these other emotional things, but if you aren’t keeping your smile in tip-top condition you are very likely to keep your lips firmly pressed together. If you need a little boost in the oral hygiene department, then check out

Be nice to yourself.

Self-care, self-love, whatever you choose to call it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you are actively choosing it. When you take care of yourself, like making time to read that book you picked up months ago, yoga, baking a cake, or even things like buffing dry skin and cellulite – whatever it is, do it. It will lift your spirits even on the hardest of days.

Listen to your favorite music.

If you have a playlist or even just a couple of tunes that gives you the need to get up and dance, put them on and wave your hands around for a while. You might be all for the inspirational lyrics, or some rock might be more your style – whatever it is, turn the bass up a little and indulge.

Avoid the comparison trap.

When you are scooting through social media feeds, checking out peoples seemingly perfect lives – remember they are snapshots of the day, and they might be the very best parts too. Don’t compare your morning burned toast with their fruit rich super luxury breakfast – it might be the only meal they’re eating that day.

A big one is to start your day smiling at yourself in the mirror, say hi, and get ready to smile the whole day long.


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