Wellness: Spring Skin Care

Wellness: Spring Skin Care

Spring is just about to…well spring and not only does that mean that it’s time for you to clean up your house, but your skin care routine too.

As the seasons change, so do the needs of our skin, so if you want to look younger, it’s time to switch up your routine. Here’s what you need to do to ensure your spring skin care routine is on point:

Out with the Old

Just like we clean up our homes and get rid of the old worn out furniture and unneeded clutter via spring cleaning, it is important to clean up our beauty life too. Now is the perfect time to go through your skin care products, checking the expiration dates an throwing out anything that you’ve had for way too long or is expired, and replacing it with new! Hello Sephora! Also remember to wash your brushes! This should be done once a week at least! I Use this and this to clean my brushes weekly and I swear by it!

Step Up Your Exfoliation Regime

The winter is likely to have left your skin a little worse for wear. The cooler weather and harsher conditions tend to leave the skin feeling dry and dull. SO when spring comes around, you might want to exfoliate twice, instead of once each week bringing out that natural glow!

Consider a Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is something that a lot of dermatologists have done in the spring because it does a much better job of getting rid of all the old dead skin left over from the winter as well. It basically removes the top layer of dead skin, leaving you fresh-faced! Like plastic surgery, wrinkles and fine line subside dramatically. Um….Yes please! Chemical peels are not for everyone, but if you’re open to it, it can be great.

SPF Moisturizer

In the winter we are drawn to heavier moisturizers that work extra hard to hydrate the skin. With spring just around the corner, now is the time to stock up on light weight moisturizer that contain at least 15 SPF! Here is my favorite!

Invest in Anti-Histamines

It might be a bit early for this, but when we get into the later stages of spring and pollen allergies become a problem, if you suffer from allergies, you are going to want to have plenty of antihistamines on hand. Why? Because allergies can cause your eyes to swell and become puffy and itchy! Inflammation will irritate the skin and can also cause rashes! No thank you!

Here’s to spring skin that shines!

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