Wellness: The Flawless Look

Wellness: The Flawless Look
It is so easy to want to be flawless these days.

Social media is full of people that seem to have the perfect body, the perfect hair, and the perfect skin. But if you’re on a quest to look flawless, it is important to remember that everyone has faults! Nobody is truly flawless, it is ultimately about how you perceive yourself. You shouldn’t worry about what other people think, but we know how easy it is to worry about what other people think. So to help you on your quest to find your own personal version of flawless beauty, here’s a few tips on how to master it.


Hair, first and foremost! A good hairdo can completely change a look. Having flowing, healthy, and shining hair is all you need! Styling is up to you. But if you dye your hair, it is easy to lose all three of those things. After the first few weeks after you dye your hair both the color and the shine begin to fade. SO! Here are a few things you can do to avoid damaged hair and still be stellar! The first is using hair extensions to give your hair the length and volume. That way some of the hair is healthy and untouched, and you can bring the rest of your hair to the same standard using different techniques. Wash your hair roughly every two days, at least. That way you’re getting rid of the buildup of grime, and you’re keeping it sleek and soft with the conditioner. You should also purchase a hair mask and use that two or three times a week. I love the Quai hair treatment masks! It completely restores the hair, leaving it smoother and more silky than it ever has been before. The style you have it is all down to your personal preference, just find one that works for you an rock it.


The face is something that everyone is concerned about. Am I right??! As women, we seem to have a lot of concerns with our face! Especially after puberty hits. We either have to deal with spots, oily skin, blemishes, the list could go on. All of this can actually be controlled through your diet and a strict skin care regime. If you’re eating a healthy diet your skin will reflect that. Fast food and processed foods allow grease to work its way into your pores. A great skin care routine includes a daily cleanse both day and night. Twice a week you should be using a face scrub and face mask to rejuvenate the skin. As for makeup, if your not going anywhere…don’t wear any! But if you must… be kind to your skin. Use quality products and keep it light!

I am guilty of being lazy with hair and skin care, but here are a few of my favorite products that I use that help my hair and skin be it’s best!

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