Why I Put My Kids To Bed Early – Wilson’s Creek Wine

wilson's creek wine

Thank you Wilson Creek Winery for sponsoring this post. Wilson Creek Winery encourages you to celebrate the little things in life with their line of sparkling wines.

wilson's creek wine
Let’s be honest…being a parent can be tough work and having a moment to relax is very important to our sanity! It took me a long time to realize that taking care of myself means that I am taking care of my family. I am so glad that I finally did! One of the best tips I have to making sure I get that time to relax, is by putting my girls to bed early! I am sharing today, how I do that and how I celebrate the end of the day with my favorite way to relax!

Ever since my girls were two weeks old, yup TWO WEEKS, I made it a habit to start and keep their nighttime routines the same. I have not missed more then 5 nights of keeping this routine with them, and I think that is why it has continued to work so well. I also believe that is why my girls LIKE to go to bed and sleep so well through the night!

From start to finish the nighttime routine takes 1.5 hours, and yes I know that sounds long! But when you start at 4:30pm and they are in bed by 6pm, it is well worth it! Yahoo! Kid free till morning and I am not one bit tired yet…emphasis on YET! (har har..) Anywho, I am a wine lover and Wilson’s Creek Wine is my favorite to drink through the summer because they offer delectable flavors in a bubbly form! A more accurate way of saying that is, famed for Almond Sparkling Wine, Wilson’s Creek Wine is a sparkling wine that is fresh, refreshing and unique! There are 10 unique flavors for you to enjoy and can be found at your local store, online, and at the physical location in Temecula Valley Wine Country.

wilson's creek wine

I would not say I am a significant wine connoisseur, but I will say that I can appreciate the infused flavors in wine and there is something special in the Sparkling Wine category that enhances ANY daily event, occasion or celebration. Even if it is just that the kids went to sleep early! Relaxing to me means that I disconnect from all the things that hold my attention throughout the day and allow my mind to escape into a good book! I am currently reading 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and I appreciate the empowerment I feel from just one glass of wine and one good chapter!

wilson's creek wine

Making time to push yourself to do more for your kids is really important, and having grown over the last few months I am very proud of myself for getting off my butt, making new friends, and getting out of the house. With all that comes a drained mama, and I love that I can look forward to the evenings to myself. I want to express how important that is, and that it is not only ok, but HEALTHY to celebrate the little things in life, year round!


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