Ready for Disneyland: Travel-Friendly Homeopathic Medicine for Cold Symptoms

This post is in collaboration with Boiron® and PTPA. As always, all opinions are my own.

Let me just be real…If one of us gets sick we all do. It is inevitable and by now I just expect it! Earlier this year our family went through so much sickness! We endured back to back coughs that just wouldn’t go away, and congestion that was relentless! We were so sick of being sick, and ready for an answer to all our cold symptoms and issues! I have been so thankful for all of our Boiron® products, they have been absolute life savers for teething issues, upset stomach issues, and now their ColdCalm® pre-measured liquid doses for Babies and Children 6+ months has been just as effective in tackling our cold symptoms too!

If you have missed the other two posts I published in my Boiron® series you can read all about Camilia® for teething, and ColicComfort® for colic and upset stomach issues HERE and HERE.

Over the last few months the girls and I have been doing more and more things outside of the house. I have been making a point to get to the gym more and so they have had some time experiencing a child care center. We have been having lots of play dates, get-togethers, and we have just been around a lot more germs! But because of ColdCalm® can stay on top of cold symptoms at any stage — from onset (sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion), established and resolution! My girls can count on relief at any stage, although it’s best to start giving ColdCalm at the first sign. One of the biggest things in the back of mind is our Disneyland trip, worrying about my girls getting sick and having to cancel. Now I can rest assured that I am prepared if my girls come down with cold symptoms from germs that are everywhere at the Disneyland park!

Boiron ColdCalm is a homeopathic and therapeutic earth-sourced medicine that temporarily relieves cold symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congestion.* I LOVE all Boiron products because they are made with earth-sourced ingredients so I know I am giving my girls the best, but also because THEY WORK. Since we are on the go so much it has been incredibly convenient to use Boiron because all doses come packaged as single serve, portable, hygienic, pre-measured, and free of sugar, lactose, and flavors. I can throw a bunch of them into my diaper bag and always have some on hand. This has become a must have diaper bag item for me, and it is one of the top of the list products I am packing to take along with us on our big Disneyland trip!

Boiron Camilia, ColicComfort, and ColdCalm pre-measured liquid doses have been amazing fast acting earth-sourced homeopathic all natural medicine for my babies all season and I cannot express enough about how much of a relief it has given me as a mother. It is so hard to find medicines that are gentle on the body and really work these days! Aside from the children’s medicines, Boiron also offers a ton of other homeopathic medicines for the entire family including women’s health. I look forward to exploring more of their products, and if you would like to learn more for yourself you can check them out by clicking HERE.

*Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.


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