New Year Resolutions 2019

New Year Resolutions 2019

This post is sponsored by Opendoor.  All opinions are my own.

Happy New Year!

What a year 2018 was! Ever since I was little I have stopped myself from time to time and just looked at where I was in life. How does time go so fast? Looking back just a few years ago it seems like I was a completely different person all together. And now here I am married and mother of two little girls! Wow!

This time every year I like to sit down and make resolutions for the new year. I know, I know…cliche! BUT even if it is, I think it is really important to take time to reflect on the previous year and set goals for the new year. I have always been a planner, I thrive on to-do lists and schedules. I find it really helpful to write down resolutions and make a plan to accomplish new goals each year – I love having something to work towards.

Today I am sharing with you all my new year resolutions for 2019 and that includes my top priorities for myself and my growing family! The theme this year is TIME (saving time and balancing how my time is used)! (See Below) What are your resolutions for 2019? Any big changes happening? Let me know in the comments below!

New Year Resolutions for 2019

#1. Getting my Body Back & Getting back to Healthy Habits

OK. I know this is a goal that probably 99% of resolution setters are making, but after being pregnant for practically two years straight it is SO important to me to have the ability to get my body back to normal! Before I got pregnant with Aria I was very fitness orientated and I worked out every single day (sometimes twice a day), and I did hot room workouts! I was a bit extreme with it, but I loved it and I was in the best shape of my life. My 1st goal for 2019 is to get back into the habit of making it part of my daily routine to start working out regularly and eating healthy along with it. Taking the time to dedicate to fitness and the health of my body = no more cake for breakfast! Oops!

#2. Finding Balance with Motherhood

Just a little over a year ago, before I was a mother, I had much more time on my hands and I could use it as I wished. I use to get up and make a list a to-do mile long and get everything done in one day. As an A-type personality I have always been the kind of person that wakes up at zero and has to accomplish everything (and in the correct order) before I felt that I had a good day. And I was able to do that! I had everything just so, in its place, organized so perfectly, and that made me feel in control. … Jump ahead to now, with two little girls (a 1 year old and a 1 month old), I feel like my life is complete chaos!

My second goal for the new year is to create a routine for myself and my daughters to better manage my time. I understand that being a mom comes with tons of new responsibilities and my time is just not as open as it used to be. I want to find a balance in how I use the time I do have to its fullest, as well as, getting a handle on multi-tasking better!

#3. Get My Home Organized For My Growing Family

Along with #2, I really want to go through my entire home (room by room) and sort of “gut them out” and clean/re-organize everything. We moved into our home 1 year ago and it is amazing how quickly the clutter builds up! I love the feeling of having everything in order, so I want to do that and also set up each space so that it is easy to keep organized.

One of my favorite things about moving into a new home is the opportunity it gives me to clean out and get rid of the junk! When we moved into our new home last year I spent weeks cleaning out and organizing everything so that when we moved in, I could put everything away in its proper place and it would all be neat and orderly!

I would love to get back to that and have everything, in every room, in order! With two growing girls and a somehow constant inflow of new toys, stuff and clutter has built up so fast. I plan to turn our upstairs loft into a play room this year, and set up all the toys in bins to keep them all together. Can’t wait to have my living room back! Teehee!

Opendoor for Buying/Selling a Home in 2019

I know another common New Year resolution for many people is moving into a new home/selling their old home. When my husband and I were in the process of looking to buy our current home I remember how much work it was. My husband did not even hire a realtor in the beginning because we did not think it would be so hard to just do it ourselves. At the time I was pregnant with our first daughter, and already time was not on my side. Our growing family is the main reason why we chose to move in the first place!

As a busy mom I now know how valuable time is, and that is why I recommend Opendoor for any of you who may be moving or selling your home this year. Especially if you are a busy mom like me or have a growing family! Save yourself that headache and extra work!

Busy Mom Tip

Opendoor takes all the stress and work out of buying or selling a home, and dramatically simplifies the entire process. So great for busy families! They operate right here in Las Vegas and almost 20 other metro areas nationwide.

Selling a home

If you are selling your home you can actually sell directly to Opendoor. You can get a free offer on your home in hours, close and get paid in as little as 10 DAYS. They take on the work of repairs, showings, and selling the home to another buyer, saving you months of uncertainty. Um, that sounds amazing right?!

One of my favorite aspects of using Opendoor, is that they are transparent about how the pricing works. Nationally, their fee averages around 7%, and you’re avoiding concessions many buyers request and can eliminate double mortgages by having the flexibility to choose your close date.

Buying A Home

If you are in the market of buying a new home yourself, Opendoor actually helps you see their homes on YOUR schedule! Using their app you can get access to tour the homes by unlocking them directly from your phone, any day of the week from 6am to 9pm! Once you choose a home you are interested in you can make an offer directly from the app and it even comes with a 30 day satisfaction guarantee!

Knowing all this would have been SO APPRECIATED a year ago when we were buying our now home and selling our old home! We actually took over 8 months to sell our old home and got much less than we hoped for. Had we used Opendoor we could have skipped the time and headache of sitting on it for so long!

So there you have it! We are already half way through January so it is time to get going! Follow me on Instagram for daily updates on how I am progressing with my resolutions, and drop a note letting me know your success to! I love to chat with you all!


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