Caring For Your Skin While on Vacation

Wellness (17)

Wellness (17)


It can be difficult to keep up with your beauty regime whilst on vacation, yet the summer months are the most necessary time to nourish our skin.  Aside from the obvious factors such as wearing sunscreen in order to protect from the sun’s damaging UV rays, there are three very simple things you can do to ensure your skin is not neglected while traveling.

It’s important to remember that your skin doesn’t just pertain to your face, dry lips are just as much a skin issue as blemishes, redness, and dark spots… and while these tips offer some sensible everyday advice, if you do have a specific issue such as a wart, then you might need to look for the best over the counter wart remover. No matter how much you moisturize or hydrate your skin, it’s not going to remedy a specific issue like that.

The three suggestions below should help all skin conditions because they are natural principles of good health rather than some fancy ointment or cosmetic intervention.

When it comes to your skin aging, prevention is often better than cure, and it’s important, particularly when travelling to be mindful of some of the factors that can speed up the aging process, such as smoking cigarettes, eating unhealthy food, or spending too much time in the sun.  With that in mind these three everyday health tips will ensure you keep on top of your skin whilst on vacation this summer.


Experts recommend we get between six and nine hours sleep per night.  We all know how significantly a bad night’s sleep can affect our skin; the dark eyes along with the grey, dull, and lifeless complexion… sleep is important.

If you’re a light sleeper you could try a white noise machine or guided relaxation videos. If it’s more of a practical issue, then you could invest in some good ear plugs that block the sound of snoring (perfect for long flights or hotels with thin walls).


Research shows that very few of us drink enough water, on a daily basis, which is alarming when you consider how vital water is for the function of our organs. Staying hydrated will significantly help your skin, dehydration often leads to tired looking dull skin. In fact, one of the main causes for dark circles around your eyes is due to dehydration.  This is particularly pertinent when flying long distance or traveling to hot destinations.


It’s important to moisturize and replenish our skin on a daily basis, particularly when out in the sun, but a lot of moisturizers are full of chemicals. It might be worth ensuring you use a natural products such as aloe vera that will provide your skin with much needed nutrients.

In today’s world we seem to be overly dependent on the expensive miracle creams that claim all sorts of wonderful things, yet rarely delivers, in the long term.  No “magical” cream is going to solve your skin problems. Your skin is an external reflection of your internal biosphere – i.e. hormones, diet, stress and emotion.  

So if you would like younger looking skin you will need to treat your skin from the inside out by developing good health habits such as good diet, drinking plenty of water and ensuring you get enough rest.



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